Wir sind Experten für zeitgenössische Kunst und den Kunstmarkt. Durch unsere langjährige Erfahrung und unser exzellentes Netzwerk in der Kunstwelt unterstützen wir Privat-Personen und Unternehmen beim Sammeln von nationaler und internationaler Kunst. Zusätzlich entwickeln wir Kunstprojekte, um Menschen für Kunst zu begeistern.
Als Art Consultants beraten wir Sie unabhängig, transparent und persönlich, denn Ihr Interesse ist auch unseres: Die richtigen Kunstwerke zu finden.
Contemporary Argentinian painter and printmaker Mariela Scafati uses unframed monochrome canvases to create three-dimensional objects and installations. Her works are hanging in ways that often obstruct or jut out of the wall, similarly to an item of clothing or piece of furniture.
Scafati‘s work is part of many institutional collections such as the Reina Sofia Madrid, the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum New York or the Deutsche Nationalgalerie Berlin.
Her current solo show at Galería Travesía Cuatro in Guadalajara can be recommended
#marielascafati #contemporaryart #installation #painting #contemporaryartadvisors #artconsulting #guadalajara
We are deeply saddened by the passing of Hubert Schmalix. We are grateful and proud to have had the opportunity to work personally with this extraordinary artist. His works, marked by powerful color and quiet poetry, will remain unforgettable. Our heartfelt condolences go out to his family and loved ones.
Gabriel Orozco‘s solo exhibition at Museo Jumex includes around 300 works that the artist has produced during his career, from small sculptures to complex installations, between photography and drawing, accompanied by painting, sculpture, assemblages and games.
#gabrielorozco #museojumex #contemporaryart #painting #installation #contemporaryartadvisors
Some highlights from Madrid gallery walks
#madrid #galleries #julioleparc #jorgepardo #miquelbarceló #painting #opart #installation #contemporaryartadvisors #travellingwithclients
Some more highlights from ARCO Madrid, day 2. Always so much fun wandering around with clients and discovering fantastic artworks
#arco #contemporaryart #painting #galleries #museumquality #contemporaryartadvisors #artadvisory
Some highlights from this year’s ARCO Madrid art fair. As always good quality and lots of fantastic artworks.
#travellingwithclients #arco #madrid #contemporaryart #contemporaryartadvisors #artconsulting #artadvisory #vippreview
The work of Chinese-Canadian artist Matthew Wong (1984-2019) is dynamic, colourful and expressive. Of the many artists who inspired him, Vincent van Gogh was the most significant. His influence is unmistakable, in terms of use of colour, the thickly applied brushwork and the personal themes in Wong’s work.
This exhibition at Albertina Modern explores the artistic and personal connection between the two artists.
#matthewwong #vincentvangogh #albertinamodern #contemporaryart #painting #contemporaryartadvisors #artconsultant #artadvising
Polish artist Natasza Niedziółka’s works are a mixture between painting, drawing and textile art. Her patterns of multi-colored threads are hand-stitched onto various fabrics. By using the material in a repetitive manner the works create a lightness and meditative gesture. Make sure to visit her current solo show at Galerie nächst St.Stephan.
#textileart #contemporaryart #meditative #contemporaryartadvisors #nataszaniedziolka #artadvisory #artconsultant
Visit with our art club at Simon Lehner’s studio. Blurring the boundaries between traditional painting and contemporary technology, Simon takes a critical look at the impact of media on our collective pictorial memory and the effects it has on our psyche.
Thanks for having us!
#simonlehner #mixedmedia #contemporaryart #contemporaryartadvisors #photography #3dprinting #painting
Artist Dana Awartani‘s work spans painting, sculpture, performance and installation, showcasing a commitment to historically situated and locally sourced materials.
Her work spans a variety of materials and techniques and often revolves around reinterpreting geometric patterns as a highly codified and philosophical mode rather than a lost decorative art. She draws from a multitude of influences, integrating Middle Eastern and Islamic visual references.
#danaawartani #painting #sculpture #installation #pattern #geometric #contemporaryart #contemporaryartadvisors #artconsultant #artadvisory
Thomas Lugmair
Managing Partner, studierte an der WU Wien und in Madrid. Ausbildung an der London Business School und der Universität St. Gallen. Er hat über 15 Jahre Erfahrung in der Finanz-Branche, betreute den Sammlungs-Aufbau für einen internationalen Versicherungs-Konzern und ist selbst begeisterter Sammler.
Valentin Kenndler
Managing Partner, studierte an der WU Wien (Diplomarbeit über den Kunstmarkt in New York City) und war in der Generali Foundation, dem Museum für Angewandte Kunst Wien, bei Sotheby’s Österreich und bis 2015 als Geschäftsführer der artware GmbH tätig. Er ist gerichtlich zertifizierter Sachverständiger.